Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. All information collected by the York School of Defence is collected and used in accordance with the principles laid out in the the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

What information does the club collect?

When you register for classes, you voluntarily supply us with your full name and contact details (including address, phone number, and email), your birth-date, and a brief review of your medical history should you have any concerns about your ability to participate in classes. You may also voluntarily provide us with your name, contact details, and other personal information during email correspondence or in conversation with our staff. We may collect information on your athletic performance and learning progress, and how it changes over time. This information is linked only to your name in our records, and is used for pedagogical purposes only. You may request access to these records at any time.

Who is my information shared with?

All contact information is used by approved staff only for the purpose of completing your registration, and keeping you informed about club events or important changes. We will never sell this information to a third party. Your medical information may be shared with health and emergency care personnel in the event of an emergency, if it is required for you to received adequate care for an injury, illness, or allergic reaction. Your medical information will not be shared with anyone outside of the club who is not directly involved in your emergency care, and it will never be sold. Your name and picture may be featured on our Facebook page or Twitter account for promotion of the club. If you don’t want your name or picture to be used in this way, please inform us, and we will be happy to exclude them from any such presentations.

How is my information stored? For how long?

Student contact details, paper copies of your waiver and registration form, membership details, billing details and performance records, as well as sensitive details, including legal name and medical conditions or histories, will be kept on a secured cloud drive with limited access or in hardcopy. These records are accessible only to our instructors and authorised support staff. You may request copies of these records at any time, and they will be erased after 3 years of absence as recommended by our insurers.

Who can I contact for more information, or to request records?

Please direct any records or privacy-related enquiries to